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- /*****************************************************************************
- * room.c
- *
- * This is a test program which constrcuts the Cornell radiosity room with
- * a ceiling light and two boxes inside. The side faces of the boxes are not
- * directly illuminated by the light. Therefore, they are a good example of
- * the color bleeding effects.
- * This program calls IniRad(), DoRad() and CleanUpRad() in rad.c to perform
- * the radiosity rendering.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1990-1991 Apple Computer, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * 12/1990 S. Eric Chen
- ******************************************************************************/
- #include "rad.h"
- /* a quadrilateral */
- typedef struct {
- short verts[4]; /* vertices of the quadrilateral */
- short patchLevel; /* patch subdivision level (how fine to subdivide the quadrilateral?) */
- short elementLevel; /* element subdivision level (how fine to subdivide a patch?) */
- float area; /* area of the quadrilateral */
- TVector3f normal; /* normal of the quadrilateral */
- TSpectra* reflectance; /* diffuse reflectance of the quadrilateral */
- TSpectra* emission; /* emission of the quadrilateral */
- } TQuad;
- /* input parameters */
- TRadParams params = {
- 0.001, /* convergence threshold */
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* patches, elements and points; initialize these in InitParams */
- {{ 108, 120, 400 }, /* camera location */
- { 108, 100, 100 }, /* look at point */
- { 0, 1, 0 }, /* up vector */
- 60, 60, /* field of view in x, y*/
- 1, 550, /* near, far */
- 200, 200, /* resolution x, y */
- 0 }, /* buffer */
- 100, /* hemi-cube resolution */
- 250, /* approximate diameter of the room */
- 50, /* intensity scale */
- 1 /* add the ambient term */
- };
- TPoint3f roomPoints[] = {
- 0, 0, 0,
- 216, 0, 0,
- 216, 0, 215,
- 0, 0, 215,
- 0, 221, 0,
- 216, 221, 0,
- 216, 221, 215,
- 0, 221, 215,
- 85.5, 220, 90,
- 130.5, 220, 90,
- 130.5, 220, 130,
- 85.5, 220, 130,
- 53.104, 0, 64.104,
- 109.36, 0, 96.604,
- 76.896, 0, 152.896,
- 20.604, 0, 120.396,
- 53.104, 65, 64.104,
- 109.36, 65, 96.604,
- 76.896, 65, 152.896,
- 20.604, 65, 120.396,
- 134.104, 0, 67.104,
- 190.396, 0, 99.604,
- 157.896, 0, 155.896,
- 101.604, 0, 123.396,
- 134.104, 130, 67.104,
- 190.396, 130, 99.604,
- 157.896, 130, 155.896,
- 101.604, 130, 123.396
- };
- const TSpectra red = { 0.80, 0.10, 0.075 };
- const TSpectra yellow = { 0.9, 0.8, 0.1 };
- const TSpectra blue = { 0.075, 0.10, 0.35 };
- const TSpectra white = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
- const TSpectra lightGrey = { 0.9, 0.9, 0.9 };
- const TSpectra black = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
- /* Assume a right-handed coordinate system */
- /* Polygon vertices follow counter-clockwise order when viewing from front */
- #define numberOfPolys 18
- TQuad roomPolys[numberOfPolys] = {
- {{4, 5, 6, 7}, 2, 8, 216*215, {0, -1, 0}, &lightGrey, &black}, /* ceiling */
- {{0, 3, 2, 1}, 3, 8, 216*215, {0, 1, 0}, &lightGrey, &black}, /* floor */
- {{0, 4, 7, 3}, 2, 8, 221*215, {1, 0, 0}, &red, &black}, /* wall */
- {{0, 1, 5, 4}, 2, 8, 221*216, {0, 0, 1}, &lightGrey, &black}, /* wall */
- {{2, 6, 5, 1}, 2, 8, 221*215, {-1, 0, 0}, &blue, &black}, /* wall */
- {{8, 9, 10, 11}, 2, 1, 40*45, {0, -1, 0}, &black, &white}, /* light */
- {{16, 19, 18, 17}, 1, 5, 65*65, {0, 1, 0}, &yellow, &black}, /* box 1 */
- {{12, 13, 14, 15}, 1, 1, 65*65, {0, -1, 0}, &yellow, &black},
- {{12, 15, 19, 16}, 1, 5, 65*65, {-0.866, 0, -0.5}, &yellow, &black},
- {{12, 16, 17, 13}, 1, 5, 65*65, {0.5, 0, -0.866}, &yellow, &black},
- {{14, 13, 17, 18}, 1, 5, 65*65, {0.866, 0, 0.5}, &yellow, &black},
- {{14, 18, 19, 15}, 1, 5, 65*65, {-0.5, 0, 0.866}, &yellow, &black},
- {{24, 27, 26, 25}, 1, 5, 65*65, {0, 1, 0}, &lightGrey, &black}, /* box 2 */
- {{20, 21, 22, 23}, 1, 1, 65*65, {0, -1, 0}, &lightGrey, &black},
- {{20, 23, 27, 24}, 1, 6, 65*130, {-0.866, 0, -0.5}, &lightGrey, &black},
- {{20, 24, 25, 21}, 1, 6, 65*130, {0.5, 0, -0.866}, &lightGrey, &black},
- {{22, 21, 25, 26}, 1, 6, 65*130, {0.866, 0, 0.5}, &lightGrey, &black},
- {{22, 26, 27, 23}, 1, 6, 65*130, {-0.5, 0, 0.866}, &lightGrey, &black},
- };
- /* Compute the xyz coordinates of a point on a quadrilateral given its u, v coordinates using bi-linear mapping */
- void UVToXYZ(const TPoint3f quad[4], float u, float v, TPoint3f* xyz)
- {
- xyz->x = quad[0].x * (1-u)*(1-v) + quad[1].x * (1-u)*v + quad[2].x * u*v + quad[3].x * u*(1-v);
- xyz->y = quad[0].y * (1-u)*(1-v) + quad[1].y * (1-u)*v + quad[2].y * u*v + quad[3].y * u*(1-v);
- xyz->z = quad[0].z * (1-u)*(1-v) + quad[1].z * (1-u)*v + quad[2].z * u*v + quad[3].z * u*(1-v);
- }
- #define Index(i, j) ((i)*(nv+1)+(j))
- int iOffset; /* index offset to the point array */
- TPatch* pPatch;
- TElement* pElement;
- TPoint3f* pPoint;
- /* Mesh a quarilateral into patches and elements */
- /* Output goes to pPatch, pElement, pPoint */
- void MeshQuad(TQuad* quad)
- {
- TPoint3f pts[4];
- int nu, nv;
- double du, dv;
- int i, j;
- double u, v;
- int nPts=0;
- float fi, fj;
- int pi, pj;
- /* Calculate element vertices */
- for (i=0; i<4; i++)
- pts[i] = roomPoints[quad->verts[i]];
- nu = nv = quad->patchLevel * quad->elementLevel+1;
- du = 1.0 / (nu-1); dv = 1.0 / (nv-1);
- for (i = 0, u = 0; i < nu; i++, u += du)
- for (j = 0, v = 0; j < nv; j++, v += dv, nPts++)
- UVToXYZ(pts, u, v, pPoint++);
- /* Calculate elements */
- nu = nv = quad->patchLevel*quad->elementLevel;
- du = 1.0 / nu; dv = 1.0 / nv;
- for (i = 0, u = du/2.0; i < nu; i++, u += du)
- for (j = 0, v = dv/2.0; j < nv; j++, v += dv, pElement++) {
- pElement->normal = quad->normal;
- pElement->nVerts = 4;
- pElement->verts = (unsigned long*)calloc(4, sizeof(unsigned long));
- pElement->verts[0] = Index(i, j)+iOffset;
- pElement->verts[1] = Index(i+1, j)+iOffset;
- pElement->verts[2] = Index(i+1, j+1)+iOffset;
- pElement->verts[3] = Index(i, j+1)+iOffset;
- pElement->area = quad->area / (nu*nv);
- /* find out the parent patch */
- fi = (float)i/(float)nu;
- fj = (float)j/(float)nv;
- pi = (int)(fi*(float)(quad->patchLevel));
- pj = (int)(fj*(float)(quad->patchLevel));
- pElement->patch = pPatch+pi*quad->patchLevel+pj;
- }
- /* Calculate patches */
- nu = quad->patchLevel; nv=quad->patchLevel;
- du = 1.0 / nu; dv = 1.0 / nv;
- for (i = 0, u = du/2.0; i < nu; i++, u += du)
- for (j = 0, v = dv/2.0; j < nv; j++, v += dv, pPatch++) {
- UVToXYZ(pts, u, v, &pPatch->center);
- pPatch->normal = quad->normal;
- pPatch->reflectance = quad->reflectance;
- pPatch->emission = quad->emission;
- pPatch->area = quad->area / (nu*nv);
- }
- iOffset += nPts;
- }
- /* Initialize input parameters */
- void InitParams()
- {
- int i, n=0;
- /* compute the total number of patches */
- params.nPatches=0;
- for (i=numberOfPolys; i--; )
- params.nPatches += roomPolys[i].patchLevel*roomPolys[i].patchLevel;
- params.patches = (TPatch*)calloc(params.nPatches, sizeof(TPatch));
- /* compute the total number of elements */
- params.nElements=0;
- for (i=numberOfPolys; i--; )
- params.nElements += roomPolys[i].elementLevel*roomPolys[i].patchLevel*
- roomPolys[i].elementLevel*roomPolys[i].patchLevel;
- params.elements = (TElement*)calloc(params.nElements, sizeof(TElement));
- /* compute the total number of element vertices */
- params.nPoints=0;
- for (i=numberOfPolys; i--; )
- params.nPoints += (roomPolys[i].elementLevel*roomPolys[i].patchLevel+1)*
- (roomPolys[i].elementLevel*roomPolys[i].patchLevel+1);
- params.points = (TPoint3f*)calloc(params.nPoints, sizeof(TPoint3f));
- /* mesh the room to patches and elements */
- iOffset = 0;
- pPatch= params.patches;
- pElement= params.elements;
- pPoint= params.points;
- for (i=0; i<numberOfPolys; i++)
- MeshQuad(&roomPolys[i]);
- params.displayView.buffer= (unsigned long*)calloc(
- params.displayView.xRes*params.displayView.yRes, sizeof(unsigned long));
- params.displayView.wid=0;
- }
- void main()
- {
- InitParams();
- InitRad(¶ms);
- DoRad();
- CleanUpRad();
- }